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welcome to aios tech corner a page in the zine that i aim to have in every or nearly every issue for the foreseeable future! In this page i will be talking about technology both old and new!

So first of, the format of aios tech corner and how it was written, i wont make this too long since this is the first issue and things might be prone to change. This page was written initially as a PDF file and if you are viewing the printer friendly version, that is what you should be seeing right now. The PDF file was written in my favorite online PDF editor im in no way sponsored or anything but just want to give it a short shutout since i really really enjoy the editor. Anyways, after writing the PDF file i convert it to a html file and add the non-printer friendly elements such as a background and more colors. If this workflow proves effective i might continue to produce pages in this manner but input is greatly appreciated!

Enough about how the page was made, who am i? I am Aio! I am a transgender girl from Sweden aged 19 at the time of writing, i enjoy most things related to technology and programming from old tech to modern tech. I also enjoy stuff like politics, music creation, theorizing, city planning and design! I decided that i wanted to partake in this zine partly because i need to practice writing more but also because it is a great creative outlet

So lets perhaps finally get started with talking about technology then! And first of lets chat about cybersecurity, there has been alot of scary things happening online recently in regards to cybersecurity. Not that long ago the log4j exploit surfaced online for those that dont know on December the 9th of 2021 a 0day exploit in a at the time super common java library was announced to the public by the security team at a cloud computing company. It was at the time one of the most dangerous exploits in computer history since it was a 0day RCE exploit, meaning that a hacker could hack anyone who used the library code in their project or in any other software nearly instantly and run any piece of code they wanted to on the targets computer. So how do you stay safe when 0day exploits are getting more and more common? Follow safety guidelines, periodically scan your devices for weird or suspicious software, update your computer and programs as soon as you can and dont click on links you dont trust.

Did you know?

The earliest modems that were created for consumers had special cup shaped holders. They worked by physically holding up a telephone to a speaker and microphone, so the special holders were designed to fit landline telephones which were super common at the time.

Alright so we have arrived at the end of this page, before i go here is a little quiz if you want to test yourself (the awnsers are at the end of the page)
1. Aio wrote this article first as a: a. pdf b. html file c. drawing
2. One of the things Aio said she enjoys is: a. farming b. drawing animals c. city planing
3. The log4j exploit was: a. a 1day exploit b. a RCE exploit c. found in 2022
4. The earliest modems had: a. a 600 baud speed b. holders for telephones c. a built in telephone
5. Extra hard question, a computer was originally: a. a human b. really big c. invented by Alan Turing

Thank you very much for reading this page of the zine, i hope to see you all again in the next issue! Please let me know any feedback, i can be reached at:
Oh and before i go there is a secrete message hidden in this page, can you find it?